“Muja&Associati” law firm offers its service for disputes arise for trademarks and domain names, models, patents, know-how, trade secrets, copyright, geographic indicators, industrial designs, unfair competition, copyright and fraudulent and comparative advertising at both judicial and extrajudicial levels, protecting their moral and property rights.
The Law Firm assists his clients in any intellectual property disputes (before the competent national, European, and international administrative and judicial authorities), unfair competition, personal data protection, fraudulent and comparative advertising (before the ordinary judiciary, Competition Guarantee Authority, and Market and the Advertising Self-Adjustment Jury).
The activity in the field of brand protection is also associated with that realized in the market competition sector, and above all in the areas of unfair competition and antitrust discipline, concerning the protection of corporate brands.
Registration of patents, trademarks, and copyrights and legal actions for their protection.